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Welcome to the Repository for Swiss Implementation Science in Health Care
The Implementation Science Project Repository is a dedicated space for sharing, discovering, and presenting Swiss implementation science projects. Our mission is to promote knowledge exchange and foster collaboration:
- The repository will give an overview of projects and researchers working on implementation and de-implementation in Switzerland.
- It will provide contact information for project leaders to facilitate networking, offering opportunities for exchange of experiences and expertise.
This project is coordinated by University of Zurich (UZH), Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care (IfIS).

Browse the Repository
Browse our growing library of projects, explore different methodologies, and connect with others, working to make a difference in healthcare implementation. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, collaboration or practical insights, our repository is here to help.
Register & Submit Project
We invite researchers, health professionals, institutions and organizations involved in implementation science research projects to share information about their projects. By contributing, you will increase the visibility of your project, and help build a community of practice, to exchange and generate ideas, strategies, and experiences. Submit your project today and become a part of shaping the future of implementation science in Switzerland!
Criteria to enter a project
- Projects conducted by researchers or healthcare professionals affiliated with a Swiss institution or conducted in Switzerland
- Research and practice projects investigating any aspect of implementation or de-implementation in health care and health-related settings.
- Projects that use a specific implementation science methodology or new methodological developments to implement one of the 7Ps (programs, practices, policies, procedures, principles, pills, products) in a real-world setting.
- Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) or evaluation with a specific focus on implementation. PPIE projects with no specific link to implementation are not eligible.