4th IMPACT Webinar 2024
«Round Table with Editors of Implementation Science Journals»
Gregory Aarons, PhD, University of California, San Diego (USA)
Anne Sales, PhD, University of Missouri (USA)
Sonja K. Schoenwald, PhD, Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC) , Oregon (USA)
Paul Wilson, MS, University of Manchester (UK)
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 – 17.00-18.30 CET
3rd IMPACT Conference «The Value of Implementation Science in Health and Social Care»
The 3rd IMPACT Conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on November 7-8, 2024. This year’s theme, «The Value of Implementation Science in Health and Social Care,» guided our exploration of how to effectively bridge the gap between research and real-world application.
The conference featured keynote lectures by Prof. Jeremy Grimshaw and Prof. Shari Rogal, as well as Swiss showcase sessions led by Prof. Franziska Zúñiga and Prof. Kaspar Wyss. These presentations highlighted cutting-edge research and real-world strategies for advancing implementation science in health and social care.
The 3rd IMPACT Conference aimed to strengthen the research pipeline for effective translation into real-world applications and drive system-level change. It brought together scientists, healthcare providers, social care workers, policymakers, funders, industry leaders, and organizations dedicated to enhancing the adoption and sustainability of evidence-based interventions.
Conference program:
November 7, 2024
13.00 to 16.00 CET – Pre-Conference Workshop
14.00 to 16.00 CET – Industry Workshop
November 8, 2024
08.30 to 16.00 CET – Conference
Conference venue: University of Geneva, Switzerland
Keynote lectures:
Jeremy Grimshaw, MBCHB, PHD
Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada
«Optimizing Approaches to Select Implementation Strategies (Project OASIS, CFIR-ERIC frameworks)»
Shari Rogal, , MD, MPH
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, USA
Swiss showcase sessions:
Kaspar Wyss, PhD, MPH
University of Basel, Switzerland
Franziska Zúñiga, PhD, RN
University of Basel, Switzerland
Interactive roundtable:
«Positioning and enabling timely uptake of implementation science in research projects in Switzerland and beyond, to increase scientific and societal impact, and strengthen IMPACT as an inspiring scientific network and community»
Moderator: Dr. Kate Molesworth, Independent Public Health Specialist, Switzerland
Panelists: Antoine Flahault, MD, PhD, University of Geneva, Guy Haller, MD, PhD, Geneva University Hospitals, Sabina De Geest, PhD, University of Basel, Katharina Lichtner, PhD, Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation
The 3rd IMPACT Conference was funded by

3rd IMPACT Webinar 2024
«Systems Analysis Methods for Implementation Science»
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – 17.00-18.30 CEST
2nd IMPACT Webinar 2024
«The State of the Science on Implementation Strategies»
Byron J. Powell, PhD
LCSW Brown School, Washington University in St. Louis (USA)
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 – 17.00-18.30 CEST
1st IMPACT Webinar 2024
«A Pragmatic Approach to Costing Implementation Strategies: Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing»
Freya Nezir, PhD
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 – 17.00-18.30 CET
4th IMPACT Webinar 2023
«Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) 2.0»
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 – 17.00-18.30 CET
3rd IMPACT Webinar 2023
«Implementation research: for real-world change in primary care»
Hilary Pinnock, PhD
Usher Institute – University of Edinburgh (UK)
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 – 17.00-18.30 CEST
European Implementation Event 2023
At the European Implementation Event 2023, implementation – the translation, uptake and integration of research findings within the daily routines of human services – took centre stage. Implementation draws on multiple disciplines and perspectives including sociology, psychology, organisational theory, social and political science aiming to give voice to both providers, and their clients, patients, students and others who are the end-users of services. EIE2023 presented and discussed knowledge and ideas on how to enhance the relevance of implementation science and practice for society.
The event was co-hosted by the European Implementation Collaborative (EIC) and IMPACT and took place in Basel, Switzerland on June 8 & 9, 2023, with speakers from all over the world.
2nd IMPACT Webinar 2023
«FAST: A Framework to Assess Speed of Translation of Health Innovations to Practice and Policy»
Enola Proctor, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis, Brown School (USA)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – 17.00-18.30 CEST
1st IMPACT Webinar 2023
«Articulating Implementation Mechanisms to Optimize for Impact, Efficiency, and Equity»
Cara C. Lewis, PhD
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA (USA)
Wednesday, February 8, 2023 – 18.00-19.30 CET
4th IMPACT Webinar 2022
«Using artificial intelligence to facilitate the implementation of services in community pharmacy»
Victoria Garcia Cardenas, PhD, University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – 17.00-18.30 CET
3rd IMPACT Webinar 2022
«Advancing sustainability research in implementation science»
Rachel Shelton, PhD, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York (USA)
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – 17.00-18.30 CET
2nd IMPACT Webinar 2022
«Applying implementation science methods for the control of food and waterborne infections»
Matt Freeman, PhD, Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health
at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta (USA)
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 – 17.00-18.30 CEST
1st IMPACT Webinar 2022
2nd IMPACT Conference «Moving towards Impact – Implementation Science in Switzerland»
1st Conference day
February 10, 2022 / 15.00 to 18.00 CET
Keynote speakers:
Dr. Douglas Luke, Brown School, Washington University, St. Louis, USA
Reto Auer, Institute of Primary Health Care, University of Bern & Center for Primary Care and Public Health, Lausanne
Lauren Clack, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich & Center of Clinical Nursing Science
2nd Conference day
February 11, 2022 / 15.00 to 18.00 CET
Keynote speaker:
Dr. Lindsey Martin, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Population Health Science Branch, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Roundtable moderator: Dr. Kate Molesworth, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
On February 9, 2022 from 13.00 to 15.40 CET, a pre-conference workshop was offered with the aim to provide training for novice implementation scientists. Four keynote speakers, Dr. Rahel Naef and Dr. Lauren Clack (Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich & Center of Clinical Nursing Science), PD Dr. Franziska Zúñiga (Nursing Science, University of Basel) and Dr. Thekla Brunkert (Nursing Science, University of Basel, University Department of Geriatric Medicine FELIX PLATTER, Basel) presented various implementation science topics targeted to novice implementation scientists and practitioners.
During the two conference days on February 10 and 11, 2022 from 15.00 to 18.00 CET, four international keynote lectures covered implementation science topics ranging from Environmental Public Health to Systems Science. On the first conference day, Dr. Douglas Luke (Brown School, Washington University, St. Louis, USA), Reto Auer (Institute of Primary Health Care, University of Bern & Center for Primary Care and Public Health, Lausanne), and Lauren Clack (Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich & Center of Clinical Nursing Science) were invited as keynote speakers to share a wide range of expertise in various fields of implementation science. Afterwards, a roundtable discussion with international and national experts was moderated by Dr. Kate Molesworth (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute). Experiences of experts, enabling factors and challenges encountered to begin implementation science research were discussed. On the second conference day, Dr. Lindsey Martin (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Population Health Science Branch, Durham, North Carolina, USA) was invited as a keynote speaker to share her perspective on implementation science in the field of environmental health. Afterwards, two “Meet the Expert” sessions were the landmark of the day. In both sessions, four break-out rooms were organized and the audience had the possibility to join a topic of interest. In Part 1, four different projects in implementation science, about which abstracts submitted a priori by participants, were discussed in length and participants received methodological advice by our experts. In Part 2, four implementation themes were discussed by experts and participants: contextual analysis, stakeholder involvement, implementation outcomes and implementation strategies. In total, 133 and 115 participants from five continents attended the pre-conference workshop and the two-day conference, respectively.
Due to the pandemic the 2nd IMPACT Conference was held as a virtual event.
The 2nd IMPACT Conference was funded by

3rd IMPACT Webinar 2021
«INTERCARE – Nurse-led model of care in Swiss nursing homes: improving interprofessional care for better resident outcomes»
Franziska Zúñiga, PhD, Nursing Science, University of Basel (Switzerland)
Wednesday October 20, 2021 / 17.00 – 18.30 CET
2nd IMPACT Webinar 2021
«Implementation of a co-designed physical activity program for older adults: positive impact when delivered at scale (hybrid 2 design)»
Heather McKay, PhD, University of British Columbia (Canada) &
Patti-Jean (PJ) Naylor, PhD, University of British Columbia (Canada)
Wednesday June 23, 2021 / 17.00 – 18.30 CEST
1st IMPACT Webinar 2021
«The Implementation Research Logic Model: a method for planning, executing, reporting, and synthesizing implementation projects»
Justin D. Smith, PhD, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City & Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago (USA)
Wednesday April 14, 2021 / 17.00 – 18.30 CEST
Masterclass Series 2021
January 27, February 03, 10, 17 & March 03, 2021 / 16.30 – 18.00 CET
Starting on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 we organized an Implementation Science Masterclass series with contributions from international experts Professor Dr. Leah Zullig (Duke University, USA), Professor Dr. Byron Powell
(Washington University, St. Louis, USA) and Dr. Cynthia Vinson (senior advisor for implementation science in the USA’s National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences in Washington, DC). Each Masterclasses provided a mix of theoretical lectures and practical Swiss examples of implementation science projects, followed by a discussion.
An average of 177 participants attended the masterclasses.
Opening Event with Keynote Lectures
January 22, 2021 / 9.00 – 12.00 CET
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing, chief editor ‘Implementation Science’, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Cynthia Vinson, senior advisor for implementation science, National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, Washington, DC, USA
Roundtable moderator: Dr. Kate Molesworth, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
The 1st IMPACT Conference signaled an exciting next phase in Swiss health care research. On January 22, 2021, we spent the morning celebrating the official launch of the Swiss Implementation Science Network, beginning with keynote lectures – the first by Professor Dr. Michel Wensing, chief editor of the pioneering journal, ‘Implementation Science’ (University of Heidelberg, Germany), the second by Dr. Cynthia Vinson, senior advisor for implementation science in the USA’s National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences in Washington, DC.
A total of 237 participants from five continents attended the 1st IMPACT Conference, which was held as a virtual event due to the pandemic.
The 1st IMPACT Conference was funded by
The IMPACT conference has been converted to a virtual event due to the CoVID-19 pandemic.