Core Group

Definition of the IMPACT Core Group:

  • IMPACT thrives on the commitment and work of the members of the Core Group.

  • The Core Group consists of a maximum of 20 persons. It is an individual membership.

  • The Core Group’s membership reflects diversity among institutions (academic, clinical, policy) and settings in Switzerland committed to implementation science. 

Prerequisites of the IMPACT Core Group membership :

  • Intend to actively contribute to IMPACT’s strategic goals.

  • Be accepted as a member of the Core Group by the Core Group members (secret vote, simple majority).

IMPACT Core Group membership:

  • Young members are especially welcome.

  • We recognize that diversity in the Core Group is vital.

  • Healthy turnover over time is key.

  • Individuals / institutions may be approached by the Executive Committee (Ex Com) on invitation or an interested person may submit a letter for application to the Ex Com.

  • Core Group members will be announced on the IMPACT webpage with the logo of their primary institution.

Rights and responsibilities of the IMPACT Core Group:


  • Decides on mission and strategy of IMPACT.

  • Decides on projects. Projects can be initiated by the Core Group yet can also be submitted by individuals / institutions for endorsement by IMPACT. 

  • Decides on the logistics of the IMPACT conference (i.e. location, organizing institution, appoints member(s) for the organization committee).

  • Elects the Ex Com every year.

  • Defines frequency of meetings of the core group.

  • Decides on new members of Core Group using secret voting with simple majority.


  • Commit personal time and further resources.

Decision making by the IMPACT Core Group:

  • The Core Group has a quorum when at least ½ of the members are represented at a meeting (physical or virtual).

  • The Core Group decides by consensus, open vote, or secret ballot with a simple majority, which means more than half of those present at the meeting where the vote takes place.

  • Elections are always held by secret ballot.

The current members of the IMPACT Core Group, listed in alphabetical order, are as follows:

Dr. Christina Akre, PD, Unisanté, University Center for Primary Care and Public Health, University of Lausanne

Prof. Dr. med. Carole Aubert, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital 

Prof. Dr. Marina Boccardi, SUPSI, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Dr. Peter Brauchli, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Thekla Brunkert, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne

Prof. Dr. Lauren Clack, Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich

Prof. Dr. Sabina De Geest, Institute of Nursing Science, Department of Public Health, University of Basel

Dr. Suzanne Dhaini, University Children’s Hospital Zurich – Eleonore Foundation

Prof. Dr. Jörg Goldhahn, ETH Zurich, Clinical Research

Prof. Dr. Cédric Mabire, Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare – IUFRS, University of Lausanne

Prof. Dr. phil. Carla Meyer-Massetti, Swiss Patient Safety Foundation, Bern

Dr. Juliane Mielke, Institute of Nursing Science, Department of Public Health, University of Basel Aimad Ourahmoune, Geneva University Hospitals, HUG

Prof. Dr. Marie Schneider, Community Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva

Prof. Dr. Jürg Utzinger, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel

Prof. Dr. Kaspar Wyss, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel