The Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT) was founded in October 2019. Its goals are:

  1. Showcase implementation science projects in health care and health-related sciences, especially those conducted by Swiss researchers and institutions;

  2. Provide networking opportunities for implementation science researchers and other interested stakeholders, including implementation practitioners in Switzerland;

  3. Promote skills & – knowledge building in implementation science – highlight quality educational opportunities in implementation science;

  4. Leverage funding opportunities for implementation science in Switzerland (advocacy) & funding for the IMPACT network;

  5. Advance implementation science methodology for rigorous implementation science and practice.

Since its foundation, IMPACT has been further strengthened by the involvement of additional academic institutions included in the ‘Core Group‘.  

IMPACT is structured as a simple partnership, an association of like-minded individuals. It operates on three levels: ‘Supporters,’ ‘Core Group,’ and the ‘Executive Committee.’

IMPACT is collaborating with the European Implementation Collaborative.

Definition Implementation Science:

«Implementation science is the study of methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions and policies into routine health care and public health settings. Implementation research plays an important role in identifying barriers to, and enablers of, effective global health programming and policymaking, and leveraging that knowledge to develop evidence-based innovations in effective delivery approaches.»

[NIH Fogarty International Center]